Want to Help Save Baby Animals? DON’T Eat Meat!
Humans kill over 200 million baby animals every single day. 😲 Just like us, these babies have thoughts and feelings and value their own lives—but just because they’re a different species, the meat industry thinks it’s OK to make their lives short and painful. 😠 Those meat products in stores and on menus are baby animals who were killed so companies could make a buck. 😢
‘Veal’ Calves
Natural life expectancy: Up to 20 years
Age at slaughter: 1 to 32 weeks old

Cows have besties, can hold grudges, and mourn the deaths of their loved ones. They have a huge capacity for emotions, so imagine the anguish baby cows in slaughterhouses must feel. 😭🐮 Calves used for veal are usually torn away from their moms shortly after birth. Then they’re kept in individual crates—which prevents them from exercising or growing naturally—before being killed for their flesh.
Natural life expectancy: Up to 8 years
Age at slaughter: 6 weeks old

Chickens are social animals who always look out for members of their fam and others in their group. 💗🐔 But those raised for their flesh spend their entire lives in filthy, cramped sheds. Workers breed and drug the chickens to grow so large so quickly that their legs and organs can’t keep up. 😨 As a result, they can experience heart attacks, organ failure, and leg deformities—and those who don’t are still slaughtered.
Natural life expectancy: Up to 15 years
Age at slaughter: 6 months old

Pigs can bond with humans, enjoy playing games, and even like a nice massage. 😄🐷 But on factory farms, they’re forced to live amid their own feces and vomit—and sometimes even the dead bodies of other pigs. 😱 They’re kept in metal crates without enough room to turn around. By the time these pigs are killed at around 6 months old, many of them have lung lesions caused by pneumonia.
Natural life expectancy: Up to 10 years
Age at slaughter: 8 to 26 weeks old

Turkeys are social, playful birds who like having their feathers stroked and can gobble along to their fave songs. 🎶🦃 But the meat industry doesn’t care how amazing they are—on farms, turkeys are bred and drugged to grow as large as possible to maximize profits. This causes many of them to die of organ failure or heart attacks before they’re even 6 months old. 😰
Natural life expectancy: Up to 12 years
Age at slaughter: 3 to 6 months old

Lambs are playful and will affectionately nuzzle and heatbutt humans to get attention. 🥰🐑 If that reminds you of your dog or cat, think about the heartbreaking fact that about 33 million sheep, most of them lambs, are killed for their flesh every year in Australia. During their short lives, their tails are docked and they’re castrated—all without any painkillers. 😡 When they’re about 6 months old, they’re crammed onto trucks and transported for up to 48 hours—without food or water—to the slaughterhouse.
Billions of baby animals are killed for their flesh every year—but you can help stop this cruelty. By going vegan, you’ll reduce the demand for meat and help prevent baby animals from suffering. 😇 Get a free “Guide to Going Vegan” for the tips you need to make the transition super-smooth—and text or DM the guide to a friend to double your impact!
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