12 Reasons Why Your Dog Is a Better Valentine Than Any S.O.
How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day this year? 💘 Eating massive amounts of vegan candy? Going all out on the romantic aesthetic? Lemme tell you—spending V-Day with a significant other can be great and all, but nothing compares to reserving the day for your one true love: your dog. 🐶💗 Here are 12 reasons why dogs are much better valentines than any significant others:
1. When you order a vegan pizza for dinner, you don’t have to split it with your dog. Instead, you can share some of these dog-friendly foods with them so they don’t feel left out. 😊

2. Your dog thinks you’re the best chef on the planet. Fr, they think every single meal you cook looks delicious. 😋

3. Your dog will never complain if you start binge-watching Stranger Things or Euphoria.

4. You never have to dress to impress your dog. They don’t judge based on appearance and will be just as happy to see you whether you’re wearing fancy prom attire or sweats.

5. Your dog will always greet you with the most enthusiasm possible. 😩

6. Your dog doesn’t mind if you think their friends are cute. 😅

7. Your friends will prob love your dog, too—and there are no hard feelings if not.

8. Your dog doesn’t call you needy for wanting to be in the same room as them all the time. They may even follow you into the bathroom.

9. Your dog is almost always in the mood for a gentle massage and other respectful physical contact. 🥰

10. When you’re watching a movie, you can drool over your on-screen crush as much as you want without feeling guilty. 😍

11. You don’t have to pretend that you like all your dog’s hobbies—although if you do like fetching a ball or rolling around in the dirt, no shame. 🤷

12. If you treat your dog with respect and compassion, they’ll be your bestie for the long haul.

It’s obvi your dog adores you, right? 💁 The thing is, humans and dogs aren’t the only ones who express their love—many animals have unique ways of showing they care. Send out our Valentine’s Day cards to remind others that love is a universal language, regardless of species. 💞
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